Learning With Lucie Archive 2006-2013

July 19, 2010

Google Apps for the Classroom Teacher – August 6

Filed under: Uncategorized — Learning with Lucie @ 5:47 pm

I will be in Brattleboro Vermont on August 6th offering the following workshop at the Marlboro College Gaduate Center.

Register at: http://gradschool.marlboro.edu/news/events/google_apps/

Google Apps for the Classroom Teacher
A Hands-On, 1-Day Workshop for beginners and intermediate users.

Taught by Google Certified Educator, Lucie deLaBruere
Friday August 6th, in Brattleboro VT 8:00am – 4:00pm
Sponsored by Marlboro College Graduate School's Teaching with Technology program
Description: Curious about Google Apps for Education? Want to learn more about teaching in the clouds? Come spend the day in Brattleboro with Google Certified Educator, Marlboro alum, and VT technology integrator extraordinaire, Lucie deLaBruere. Start the day with a one-hour morning overview of Google's offerings for education that's open to the public (8am-9am no charge). After that, registered participants will learn basic and intermediate skills during two hands-on workshops. In these workshops, participants will experience 50+ examples of how Google Apps is being used by REAL classroom teacher. Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL). Instructor Bio: http://lucie.typepad.com/about.html

Register at: http://gradschool.marlboro.edu/news/events/google_apps/
Cost: First hour free. $35 for the day. Lunch on your own in Brattleboro or brown bag it. Marlboro sink/coffee/microwave/lounge available.
Location: Marlboro College Graduate School, Room #2 East.

Schedule: Friday, August 6th

8:00 – 9:00 Intro to Google Apps (Free)
9:00 – 11:30 Hands on Workshop I: Intro to Google Docs (BYOL)
Getting Started: How to Create, Share, and Collaborate using Google Docs, Spreadsheets, & Presentation
11:30-11:45 Break (go get lunch and come back for…)
11:45 -12:45 Brown Bag Lunch with Featured Presentation:
Changing the Learning Landscape with Google Apps
50+ ways REAL classroom teachers are using Google Apps to change the way they teach and students learn
1:00 – 4:00 Hands on Workshop II: Using Google Apps- Collaborative Learning (BYOL)
Participate in hands on activities that model collaborative learning using Google Apps

(Prerequisite: Getting Started A.M. session or basic understanding of how to create and share a Google Doc)

July 7, 2010

My ISTE 2010 experience

Filed under: Uncategorized — Learning with Lucie @ 11:12 am

It was great to see so many Vermonters in Denver at the Iste 2010 conference

I can't even begin to highlight everything I gleaned from this year's conference.
There were over 2000 url's bookmarked with the tag iste10 though delicious.com

I personally loved listening to the conversation on twitter using #iste10 to see what the buzz was about

This was a great  way to get 'short' snippets of the best of Iste 2010.

If you could not attend any of these workshops but wanted to– check out Iste Vision for lots of video taped workshops


And in case you didn't realize it, most presenters post their handouts and these can be accessed by

For example,  if you know that Steve Dembo usually updates his presentation on policy, procedures, etc each year, you could search for Dembo
and find his latest materials which included

I had one of the best NECC/ISTE conferences ever this year as my soul and spirit were filled with presentations on the topic of Creativity and Innovation ranging from Ian Jukes, Gary Stager, Mitch Resnick (one of the creators of Scratch)  and the Teacher Game Institute (Pedagogy, Play, Pixels, Programming and Project Based Learning)
If you have not seen Ian Jukes before, I totally recommend exploring his work

On Wednesday, I got a chance to attend the all-day   nline Learning Institute, where I met lots of people in the trenches of



I did manage to hit the vendor floor for a brief time where I saw some pretty cool ultra short throw projectors for under $1000 including one from BENQ that included a stylus that turned it into a interactive white board  (or at least a pointer/mouse).

But all in all, my favorite part was networking and continuing to develop my Personal Learning Network.  Met Bron from Quest Atlantis face to face, who introduced me to other Quest Atlantis; had a wonderful time with Jackie Gerstein, Helen and Erin Barrett; enjoyed chatting with Adam Frey at the Wikispaces party and all my fellow Google Certified Educator at the Google Block Party; met some more Edu-collaborators at Alex's get-to-gether, and collected lots of business cards and ideas from fantastic passionate fellow educators.  More learning than I imagined possible.

ISTE 2010 – Workshop

Filed under: Uncategorized — Learning with Lucie @ 11:00 am

I had the pleasure of co-presenting a 3 hour workshop at ISTE 2010: "Managing and Administrating Google Domains"


In this workshop, Vinnie and shared our personal experiences setting up, administering, and using Google Apps for your Domain with elementary, junior high, and high school students as well as tips we have learned from our personal learning network of Google Certified Educators.