Learning With Lucie Archive 2006-2013

June 30, 2008

NECC 2008 – Presentation (Monday)

Filed under: Education — Learning with Lucie @ 1:03 pm

Wikinomics:  How Mass Collaboration Will Fundamentally Change Learning

Yvonne Marie Andres, Global SchoolNet Foundation with Lucie deLaBruere
Monday, 6/30/2008, 2:00pm–3:00pm; HGCC 206 A

The bestseller Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything sends educators a critical message. So let’s take a look at the hottest collaborative tools, content, and implementation strategies.


June 29, 2008

NECC 2008 – BYOL Session

Filed under: Education — Learning with Lucie @ 11:26 am

Redesigning Research Assignments with Social Bookmarking Tools

Necc 2008 Bring Your Own Laptop Session (Session Wiki)

Redesign research assignments for students, increasing critical thinking and maximizing your own productivity in managing online information using social bookmarking tools such as del.icio.us.Based on this blog entry  which I posted at InfiniteThinking Machine

June 22, 2008

Audience Matters

Filed under: Education — Learning with Lucie @ 7:23 pm

I want to thank my sons for collaborating with me on my  Google Teacher Academy video entry about Motivation and Learning    I enjoyed the product we came up with, but mostly I enjoyed working with you in a manner that models the type of collaboration that should be happening in our classroom.

First I started to brainstorm possible lyrics and images on a wiki. Throughout the day, my son in New York State, and I were collaborating on music and lyrics using the wiki, cell phones, and the ability to compose and share music electronically. Within the next day, his brother in Connecticut, was using different software in the production process, adding the voices of young children. Meanwhile, Mom was collaborating with hundreds of photographers she had never met from the Flickr community who post their images with Creative Commons licenses. By the end of the week, the words, images, music, and videos had been edited in 3 different states (hundreds if you include the Flickr community) and was ready to be published in a venue where the audience could be from many different countries.For more about this video and how Audience Matters check out my post at Infinite Thinking Machine.